FLAME: A Field Guide to Revival Lifestyle. Introduction Excerpts


I can’t quite recall when I first started “geeking out” about Revival. Was it watching my life and family get turned upside down by sin and trial or could it have been the financial squalor and desperation of first stepping into ministry in a foreign place (yet still within our country). Maybe it was on the streets of Kharkov, Ukriane when I willingly gazed heavenward and pledged my future to God completely while on a mission trip during Bible College. Or maybe it was listening to Pastor Joe Focht teach on the Holy Spirit and Revival while I slaved away at a barely-minimum-wage wood mill job. And part of me thinks that it was born between 1998-2002, when I was getting my writing degree and watching God bring an awakening to a couple hundred can’t-find-their-way-out-of-a-paper-bag, spiritual greenhorn college kids. We did share some unexplainable times of worship and waiting on the Most High. Wow.

I tend to think my ache for Revival came from all of these places and more.

Somehow, as I look back over the last six to ten years of my walk and ministry, I have begun to become consumed with the idea of an inexpressible move of God and the Holy Ghost. You know, like Evan Roberts in Wales, Charles Finney and D.L. Moody on a couple continents in the 1800’s , and the Hippie Jesus Movement of the ’60’s and ’70’s. Times when the Presence of the Lord and His Spirit was so thick, folks could hardly find themselves able to do anything but repent and rejoice and REVIVE! Whether we call it an “outpouring” or an “awakening” or “times of refreshing” or a mighty “ingathering” of saints into the Kingdom; whatever it be called, it seems such a thrilling time for Jesus-People to come alive. It is this that I desire.

So that is where this book comes in, to quote Gandolf from the Lord of the Rings, “At the turning of the tide.” Something (more like SomeOne) deep inside my innards and equilibrium says this whole world is tilting, groaning, yea even travailing for BOTH Revival and the eminent foot of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to crack this rock wide open. The nagging question then, that I have been asking the Lord and many other believers is, “What do we do now, like RIGHT NOW??!!” This can be exciting and all, but how in the world do we facilitate this or figure this out? Especially when the idea of “facilitating” or “figuring this out” still misses the mark of a God-breathed Revival and we know it!

I pray, hope, and believe that the Lord put this book on my heart to begin to answer these kinds of questions both practically and radically in these evil days we live in. There is a brewing call to arms, a banner being waved on the frontlines of the horizon. There is a massive stirring in a fruit-bearing cluster of desperate and godly men and women. We are thirsty for new wine drank from a new wineskin. We want to be flooded with torrents of Living Water. We beckon the grand influx of sinners saved by Grace. May this flag be raised, this trumpet be blown…for we want Revival and are prepared to listen, be obedient, and abandon to radical faith-living to see it. And that merely and humbly places us in the River to feel the sweeping rush of water and of FLAME! For he who has ears…for he who has eyes….


About BrindleTribe

Before we became the Brindle Tribe, my soon-to-be husband and I formed our own motto: "Always an Adventure" we said in Ukraine on a neighborhood playground as we both came to the understanding that we were destined for each other. Three babies, a coffee shop, a school, and a bus later, the motto still lasts "Always an Adventure."
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1 Response to FLAME: A Field Guide to Revival Lifestyle. Introduction Excerpts

  1. Brian says:

    Flame on, bro.! Just reading a biography on David Brainerd. His desire was to be ‘A Flame for God’. Here was a young man that suffered from very poor physical health along with intense periods of depression, but whose heart was so totally, impassionedly, unswervingly devoted to and in love with His Lord, that only phsyical death itself could stop his service and worship of the One who had captivated and consumed his all.

    Too be such a man of God. Lord, have mercy; Lord, more grace.

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