
Fortunate to be here
Fortunate to find myself in the service of Almighty God
Fortunate to be called, be planted, be equipped and granted manifold blessings
Fortunate to be in the company of heroes, mighty men of great valor
Fortunate to rub shields and sharpen armor alongside men of renown
Fortunate that this is all so very simple: this life, this walk, this love
Fortunate that this is all so very profound and deep and breathtaking…and breathgiving

Fortunate, I am, to be employed by the I AM
Fortunate that my God is THE GOD
Fortunate that He would save a zero like me
Fortunate that He possesses the skill to take my vomitus flesh and breath it into song
Fortunate that I can graduate from “Have mercy on me a sinner” to a “king and priest…ruling and reigning in the coming Kingdom” in the course of a day or an hour
Fortunate to wield a Sword
Fortunate to read that Sword
Fortunate to understand…some of that Sword and how it was forged…or how it forges me
Or is it now an Anvil…and He is the hammer?
Fortunate that He would take the time as the Forger

I am so FORTUNATE to be used of God
To teach His Word
To preach the truth
To prophesy of His wheelings and dealings
To love a wonderful bride
And be a wonderful Bride
To be part of a legendary crusade
To be forgiven
To be redeemed
I am so very, very Fortunate
Because He perished that I may never perish
Fortunate to be resurrected
Fortunate to feel Spirit flowing through my veins
Fortunate that flamed words do flow when I think on my Beloved
Fortunate He desires me more than I even understand “desire”

Oh my Lord…Lord-Lord-Lord…I stand as fortunate today because You are my strength and my shield. Fortunate that you are AGAPE LOVE.

Oh Emmanuel, teach me LOVE….



About Joshua M. Brindle

Child. Father. Husband. Herald. Writer. Messenger. Psalmist. Poet-Prophet. Biker. Beard-wearer. Teacher. Pastor? Follower. Disciple. Disciple-er. Bearer of the Torche. Keeper of the Flame. Waver of the Banner. Running the race. Fighting the fight. Revolutionary...hopefully.
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